Computer Hardware Design - Unit Wise Questions
1. Write MIPS assembly code for the following function where n corresponds to the argument
register $a0? (10)
int fact (int n)
if (n < 1)
return (1);
return (n * fact(n – 1));
2. What are different pipelining hazards? Highlight on the techniques that can be implemented to reduce these hazards. (5+5)
3. Explain different associative structures for an eight-block cache. Assuming a cache of 4K blocks, a 4-word block size, and a 32bit address, find the total number of sets and the total number of tag bits for caches that are direct mapped, two-way and four-way set associative, and fully associative. (5+5)
4. A program runs in 20 seconds on computer A, which has a 2 GHz clock. We are trying to help a computer designer build a computer, B, which will run this program in 12 seconds. The designer has determined that a substantial increase in the clock rate is possible, but thisincrease will affect the rest of the CPU design, causing computer B to require 1.4 times as many clock cycles as computer A for this program. What clock rate should the designer target? (5)
5. Explain how TLB, virtual machine and cache can be integrated? (5)
6. Briefly explain different MIPS addressing modes. (5)
7. Explain x86 floating point architecture. (5)
8. What are different pipelining hazards and explain techniques to reduce them.(5)
9. How can FSM be implemented for a simple cache controller? (5)
10. Suppose we have a benchmark that executes in 150 seconds of elapsed time, of which 120
seconds is CPU time and the rest is I/O time. Suppose the number of processors doubles
every two years, but the processors remain the same speed, and I/O time doesn’t improve.
Calculate the improvement in CPU performance. (5)
a) After eight years
b) In elapsed time
11. Explain different approaches of hardware multithreading. (5)
12. Write short notes on: (2 × 2.5 = 5)
a. Roofline model
b. Power wall