Computer Fundamentals and Applications - Unit Wise Questions
11. Define Computer. Explain the anatomy of digital computer with block diagram.
3.What kind of programs fall under the utility category? Describe a utility program you have on your computer.
15. What is WWW? Differentiate between database intranet, extranet, and internet with example.
16. What are contemporary technologies ? Explain any two contemporary technologies with roles.
7. Write down characteristics and applications of laser printer.
17. Write the DOS commands to complete following tasks.
a) Create sub directory theory and practical inside d:\\exam\\
b) Create the file name marks.txt with CFAmarks.txt
c) Rename the file name marks.txt with CFAmarks.txt.
d) Make hidden the file CFAmarks.txt.
e) Search the all files with .pdf extension.
8. How would you describe web architecture? Give an illustration of how data flows in a web architecture.
18. i) You are provided following data:
Bageshowori Secondary School
Write the formula in spread sheet package to calculate following on basis on given conditions:
1. Calculate Total marks.
2. Calculate Percentage
3. Mark the student with either "PASS" or "FAIL"(Pass Marks 35)
4. Calculate the division [if percentage>=60 then first,if percentage>=45 and percentage<60 then Second, if percentage <45 then Third otherwise"xxx"]
ii) Explain the features of Font control tools in word processing package.
19. i) Define computer peripherals. Differentiate between impact and non-impact printers.
ii) Define Presentation. Write the features of good presentation package.
20. Define CMYK color model. Explain the basic tools and transforms available in Photoshop.
4. What role does the operating system plays in managing resources? Give an example to illustrate.
12. Define Operating System. Explain the functions of Operating System.
13. Define DBMS. Explain the different database models with the merits and demerits.
5. Who supervise the databases in the organization? What tasks and obligations are under the scope of the database administrator.
14. Explain the different types of LAN topologies with their advantages and disadvantages.
6. Using a suitable example, describe how a network might lower office overhead.